Author: Samantha Slotnick

Opternative? Dangerous Alternative!


As a health care provider, it is hard to describe the mixture of shock, disappointment, sadness and fear which overwhelmed me when I first learned of this new business venture, “Opternative.” Opternative is a new concept in removing the eye

Tunnel Vision: Responses to Visual Stress


Healthy eyes.  20/20 acuity.   Yet some folks (any age!) struggle to: orient themselves find what is right in front of them relate the details to the context relate the figure to the ground see the forest for the trees 

Creeping and Crawling… What’s the rush to walk?


Recently, I have had several patients asking about the significance of creeping and/or crawling on our patient history form. Have you heard of Tummy Time? There are lots of opportunities for learning and integrating body organization skills and reflexes while

Holistic Care, Striving toward BALANCE


I just had the great pleasure of reading an article published 20 years ago, An Essay on the Reconciliation of Opposites, by friend and colleague Steve Gallop, O.D. We have the choice to apply such philosophy in the treatment of

The Color She Sees Me!


  “Where did you get that gorgeous piece of artwork?!” Our office has been buzzing with excitement over this work of art, which doubles as a vision therapy activity! PuzzleArtist Alli Berman applies beautiful colors to tiles rather than canvas.

Building a 3-D Brain!


Kudos to Vision Therapy patient and blogger Michael Lievens! Michael’s blog, “Getting past double vision one day at a time,” explores his challenges and gains as he has learned to use his two eyes as a team. This particular post

Grand Opening! New Location!


   We are On The Move!       Dr. Slotnick and her staff, family and friends have been hard at work behind the scenes, creating a new space, dedicated for:   Vision!     learning!         exploration!   

Does Vision Therapy Help Myopia?


This question came up on a parent support list.  Many parents are looking for trying to understand why their child is going near-sighted, and what options are available.  Thoughts and comments welcome! “My 5 year-old daughter has been diagnosed with

Does Optometric Vision Therapy Work?

My esteemed colleague, Dominick Maino, O.D., M.Ed., runs a blog called “MainosMemos.”  In it, he helps both colleagues and lay-people keep abreast of what’s new in the world of Optometry, vision research, education, clinical practice, patient perspective, etc.  Many thanks

Not Alone! Vision Therapy Support Community


Today I came across a family-run blog with the specific purpose of sharing their experiences with vision therapy. Vision therapy offers an opportunity to adjust one’s perspective, to consider another viewpoint. On the website,, a dedicated mother introduces herself and her