Author: Samantha Slotnick

Seeing in Color


I came across an interesting (and somewhat disturbing!) info-cartoon in The Oatmeal about an unusual creature, the MANTIS SHRIMP. The fascinating part to me is that the creature has an extraordinary potential for color vision which completely dwarfs our paltry

What is Optometric Vision Therapy?

Many patients come to my office wondering what the difference is between optometrists and ophthalmologists, and between optometrists and opticians….  What makes a “behavioral optometrist” different from a primary care optometrist? And WHAT is optometric vision therapy?? The links below

Careful what you wish for!


Two years ago, I wrote a blog piece for COVD (College of Optometrists in Vision Development) to help patients with strabismus (eye turns) learn more about their options for treating the problem. Boy, did it take off!  See the follow-up blog (Careful

The Slotnick Scramble!


In 2010, the Journal of Behavioral Optometry published my write-up of a vision therapy activity which I designed and use frequently.  To read about the activity and the various aspects of visual processing which it is designed to support, please

Strabismus — Is Surgery Enough?

The following excerpt is from a blog piece which I guest-authored.  It was originally published on the COVD Blog site in February, 2011. Eye turns are a common problem affecting about 3% of the population. Often, when patients with eye

It takes TWO!

Going to the doctor in this day and age is NOT about getting a gold star, a clean bill of health, or any other affirmation that you’re A-okay. With all of the wonders of technology available to diagnose and treat,